

Star Wars the Old Republic: Jedi Under Siege Review

Star Wars the Old Republic Overview: The unveiling of the first immersive and expansive open-world MMORPG set in the Star Wars universe since Star Wars Galaxies marks an impressive milestone, especially after EA decided to scrap their most recent Star Wars project just a year prior. This game, known as SWTOR, sets itself apart by providing endless engagement with its compelling, detailed class storylines, the

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Apex Legends

Apex Legends Review

Apex Legends Overview: At this point, I think we are all getting used to the Battle Royale style of gameplay as it seems to be taking over the gaming community at a fast pace so I wasn’t surprised when I heard a new one had come out. What I wasn’t expecting was it to be from the AAA gaming developer Respawn Entertainment, the developers of

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Midnight Club 2 MC2 MODern Edition

Midnight Club 2 MODern Edition

MC2 MODern Edition Jump into the ultimate fan-created boost for Midnight Club 2. This masterpiece comes from the heart, though it might hit a few bumps down the line. Sadly, the original brains behind it can’t make any tweaks. Hats off to the geniuses who whipped up this mod. Just so you know, we’re not buddies with Eager to give it a whirl? Scoot

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